The 12 Yats of Christmas CD
Brand new for 2023
only $15 shipped.
Also available at our performances!
(We’re gonna’ play all our hits wether ya wanna hear ‘em or not.)
Saturday, Apr. 20: Boathouse Private Party 12–3 PM.
Thursday Apr. 11: "French Quarter Festival", We're in Jackson Square on the Big Stage. We'll have our CD's and autograph pens ready. Playing all our local hits. 2:30-3:30 PM.
Saturday, March 16: Jaeger's Seafood & Oyster House, 901 S.Clearview Pkwy. (504) 818-2200, We play 7-10 PM.
Sunday, Feb. 11: Private Party 11:30 AM.
Thursday, Feb. 8: Jaeger's Seafood & Oyster House, 901 S.Clearview Pkwy. 7-10 PM.
Wednesday, Jan. 31: Jaeger's Seafood & Oyster House, 901 S.Clearview Pkwy. 7-10 PM.
Saturday, Jan.6: Private Party "Rock N Bowl".
Thursday, Dec.28, 2023: 7 PM. "Steppin Out" WYES Ch12.
Monday, Dec.25, 2023: 5-8 PM. Christmas at World famous Mid City Lanes "Rock N Bowl", 3016 S.Carrollton 504-861-1700.
Food, Drinks, Hula hoops.
Sunday, Dec.17, 2023: Jaeger’s Seafood & Oyster House, (since 1948). 901 S.Clearview Pkwy, Jefferson (near Elmwood). We play 5-8 PM. 504-818-2200 & website.
Saturday, Dec.16, 2023: 5-7 PM. Benny Grunch: "Rock Star of the Salad-Bar”, Dorignac’s Food Center, 710 Veterans Blvd Metairie. Rite Dere In'da Store!
Saturday, Dec.9, 2023: Max night club, 2401 N.Woodlawn Ave, Metry, Great food, Great drinks & dancing. We play 9 PM.-12 AM.
504-885-1677 & website.
Monday, Dec.4, 2023: "Holidays New Orleans Style", Saint Louis Cathedral, at New Orleans Jackson Square (inside) 6-7 PM.
Saturday, April 23, 2022: French Quarter Festival with “Benny Grunch & the Bunch” live on the Jackson Square Stage, 2:20-3:30 PM. Everybody’s invited’n it don’t cost nuttin!!
Thursday, Jan.6, 2022: Back to “Rock N Bowl”, 3016 S. Carrollton Ave., for the official start of Mardi Gras with The Mighty Street-Car Ride of the “Phunny Phorty Phellows”, around 9 PM-12 AM.
Tuesday, Jan.4, 2022: Private Pawty (this performance features only Benny).
Christmas Day, Saturday, Dec.25: World Famous Mid City Lanes “Rock N Bowl”, 3016 S. Carrollton Ave., 4-7:30 PM.
Wednesday, Dec.22: 8:40 AM. Benny’s live telephone interview on WWL-TV, Ch4 Morning Eyewitness News.
Wednesday, Dec.22: Broadside, 600 N. Broad St. Come sing along with our Christmas foolishment. Kids under 5 yrs. free admission. 6:00-7:00 PM.
Thursday, Dec.16: Dorignac’s Food Center, 710 Veterans Blvd., in Metairie. We’re gonna’ perform live in the store. 5-7 PM.
Sunday, Dec.12: ONLINE ONLY stream from Escape from the Secret Lab Escape from the Secret Lab is a weekly audience-interactive live streamed musical game show with Doctor Pinkerton. Watch us live on YouTube, Escape from the Secret Lab Episode 67, and help us get out of there! Band will take tips at https://paypal.me/BennyGrunch. Thanks in advance to everyone. 8:00 PM.
Saturday, Dec.11: Fleurty Girl gift store. 3313 17th St. (across street from Lakeside Mall) in Metairie. Performing live in the store at 2 PM.
Saturday, Dec.4: Private Function, 7:00 PM.
Sunday, July 11: Benny saves Carrollton from the "Ain't-dere-no-more" blues—fundraiser for the Carrollton neighborhood, 2–5 PM Open to the public, 21+. No cover, at Carrollton Station 8140 Willow St., New Orleans
Sponsored by Town of Carrollton Watch. Contact: (347) 614-7049
Wednesday, Jan.6: Private Function: 8:00 PM.
Wednesday, Jan.6: Safe Distance King Cake Party 8:00 AM.
Friday, Dec.25: (Christmas Night),
Mid City Lanes Rock N Bowl. "Live Screen Performance" 5:30-8:00 PM
Friday, Dec. 25: Brand new Benny Grunch & the Bunch video on WYES TV Ch12, 7:30 PM “K&B Stayed Open Christmas”
Saturday, Dec.19: Mandeville, LA: Private Function: 10 AM
Friday, Dec.18: Private Function: 7:30 PM
Wednesday, Dec. 16: Brand new Benny Grunch & the Bunch video on WWL TV Ch4 6PM News “K&B Stayed Open Christmas”
Wednesday, Dec.9: Covington "Tammany Trace Trailhead" (419 N.New Hampshire St., Covington,LA - 70433). We perform 7:00-9:30 PM for City of Covington Downtown Cultural Arts & Events. More info: 985-867-1202, 985-892-1873 "Finally some Real Cultcha's comin' back to da Nawth Shore"
Friday, Dec.4: Private Function: 6:15-9:15 PM
Friday, October 30: Live stream from Escape from the Secret Lab Escape from the Secret Lab is a weekly audience-interactive live streamed musical game show. Watch us live on YouTube Escape from the Secret Lab Episode 32, Friday, October 30, 8:00 PM. Online only, as we perform we'll tell you how to tip the band. Thanks in advance to everyone. Hey where y'all's at!
Saturday, June 13: Acadiana Thunderbird Club (the cars not necessarily the wine) hosts the International Ford Thunderbird Club Convention at New Orleans Downtown Holiday Inn. We perform in the ballroom 8 - 11 PM.
Tuesday, Feb. 25 (Mardi Gras Day!): Private pawty on the Metry Parade Route. ...around 9:00 AM.-noon
Monday, Feb. 24: “Gattuso’s Neighborhood Bar & Restaurant” Lundi Gras Party - everybody’s invited. 8:00-11:00 PM.
“Ok this is important”! Everyone wear y’all’s Mardi Gras Costumes!! We’ll be dressed-up too !!!
Wednesday, Feb. 19: Speckled T’s, 158 S. Military Road, Slidell, LA. Mardi Gras Pawty. We perform from 6:30-9:30 PM.
Sunday, Feb. 9: Everyone (and that means all yall's) is invited to the annual "Trinity Lutheran King Kake Kickoff". We have been performing at this family-style event since 1989! Great food, great people, great beer, lotsa' king cake, great neighborhood. That's right there In the church-yard at Trinity Lutheran (historic) Church, 620 Eliza St. (corner Olivia St.) in beautiful Algiers Point, New Orleans - 70114. We'll play noon-4:00 PM.
January 6, 2020: at world famous Rock N Bowl with Phearless, Phantastic, Phunatic Krewe of Phunny Phorty Phellows. Kicks off around 9 PM.
Monday, January 6, 2020: The Mortuary front porch on Canal Street, King Cake party. 26 varieties of king cake. 8-10 AM.
Wednesday, December 25: (Christmas night): world Famous Rock N Bowl. Cover charge $5. Little kids free. 5-8 PM. Giant Annual 12 Yats Christmas Party.
Tuesday, December 24: WWL TV Ch4 “Ain’t Dere No More” video and “Santa & Reindeer Used To Live Rite Here” video at 5:00 and 6:00 PM.
Tuesday, December 24: Harrah’s Miracle on Fulton Street. 1-3:30 PM.
Monday December 23: WWL TV Ch4 “The 12 Yats of Christmas” video at 6 PM.
Friday, December 20: Dorignac’s Food Center 710 Veterans Blvd, Metairie - 70005. Live in-store performance! Hold on to y’all’s croissants and coffee. We’re gonna set-up rite in da’ cafe, 5:00-7:00 PM. Everybody’s Invited! Even left-over Schwegmann’s customers.
Monday (morning), Dec.16: WWL TV Ch4 “Morning Show”, 8:00-9:00 AM.
Friday, December 13: in Historic Downtown Gretna at Gattuso’s Neighborhood fine dining, (crazy-crazy) Place. Corner of Huey P Long and 5th. 7-10 PM.
Wednesday, December 11: Holidays on Harrison at the Harrison Marketplace, right in front of Lakeview Grocery. 5-8:30 PM.
Saturday, December 7: Mandeville, Louisiana. Santa lakefront parade. We are on the beach at the gazebo. We start at 11 AM. We'll play all our Christmas hits; then break for the parade, then start'em up again.
Wednesday, December 4: Speckled T’s, Military Road and Gause, in Slidell, Seafood, steaks, fun. 7-10 PM.
Thursday, November 21: City Park Twilight Thursday’s, Pavilion of Two Sisters, 6-8 PM. Reserve early, fills up quick.
Friday, November 15: “Starry Night”, Hammond, Louisiana, Christmas kickoff with Santa, parade, vendors, and stores at 5:30 PM. We will perform between 6:30-9:30 PM. At the corner of Railroad and West Thomas St.
Saturday, October 26: Riverbend Park, Franklinton, 7:00-10:00 PM. , private function
Saturday, June 8: “St. Dominic School Class of 1959”, We’re celebrating our “60 Year Reunion” (Yes! Sixty Year Reunion!) at the Southern Yacht Club, 1:30-5:00 PM (Benny Grunch & The Bunch start at 2:00). If you wanna join us, call Benny 504-231-8916, [email protected], or Valerie Walker, [email protected]
Saturday, June 1: Mighty Krewe of Palmyra, Yard Party 7:00-10:00 PM
Friday afternoon, April 12: "New Orleans French Quarter Festival". Here we go one more time. This year we'll perform on the WWL "Esplanade In The Shade" stage, 12:30-1:40 PM. That's located on the grounds of "The Old Louisiana Mint" 400 Esplanade Ave. - 70116. Corner of Esplanade and Decatur. Parking is not too bad in that area. Lots of pay-parking-lots around the Elysian Fields Avenue corner. We'll perform all our hits, and foolishment, and we'll have our CD's and autograph pencils ready. We'll even let Kathy have a Magic Marker this time. Many Thanks Once Again to (our sponsor for this event) Johnny's PoBoys, 511 St. Louis St., Since 1950.
Friday, February 22: Andrew Jaeger has a brand new place! Currently it's "Big Easy Sports Bar" (soon to be) "Eat & Drink On Citrus". On Fri, Feb.22 featuring Benny Grunch & The Bunch 8:00-11 PM. 5608 Citrus Blvd. (corner Edwards). Right across the street from the Coca Cola plant.
Sunday, Feb.10: Trinity Lutheran’s Annual “King Kake Kickoff” (in New Orleans’ historic Algiers Point). On the corner of 620 Eliza St. and Olivier. Lots’n lotsa’ king cake, & brats, & beer, & beverages. Right there in the church yard. All ya’lls are invited. 12 Noon-4 PM (This is a fun time; we do it every year.
Saturday, Jan.26: Celebration Party in Lakeview, "30 Year Anniversary of Fleur De Lis Tire & Auto"! Always featuring 100% alcohol-free gasoline, and on Saturday, Jan.26 also featuring "Benny Grunch & The Bunch" 12:00 Noon - 2:00 PM. We're gonna' perform all of our hits, live and in-person. We'll probably be the best band, that day, at any gas-station in Lakeview! We'll have our autograph Sharpies ready, we'll have our CD's and tee shirts ready, so be ready for a good time. Soft drinks and food provided by "Chap's Chicken" and "W.Harrison Market & Deli" and "The Backyard"; 11 AM-12 Noon "DJ John G"; then 12 Noon-2 PM "Benny Grunch & The Bunch". Located in Lakeview right on the corner of West Harrison Ave. and Fleur De Lis. Everybody is invited, even Metry people, to meet the boss C.Ray Bergeron and the crew.
Sunday (Night) Jan.6: Benny Grunch & The Bunch is proud to perform once again after the first official parade of The Carnival Season following the mighty ride of “The Twelfth Night Revelers” (Phunny Phorty Phellows). Catch them on their streetcar on this joyous night. We’ll join them later for a private performance.
Sunday (Morning) Jan.6: “The King Cake Hub Carnival Kick-Off” giant king cake party, on the front porch of The Mortuary (4800 Canal St.) featuring Twenty Eight (that’s 28!) varieties of King Cakes!! 8-10 AM.
Select 2018 Gigs
Tuesday, Dec 25: Christmas Day, New Orleans World Famous Rock N Bowl, Annual Giant 12 Yats of Christmas Pawty!!! We start at 5 PM. We will perform all of our hits, big and little. We will have our CD's, t-shirts and autograph pencils. Cover charge: $3.00 at the door. Little kids are free. We are lookin' fa' all yalls at 3000 South Carrollton Avenue.
Monday, Dec 24: "Rouses World Wide Tour" continues @ Rouses Market, 2900 Veterans Memorial Blvd, Metairie, LA. We perform live right there in the store, 2 PM till 4 PM.
Friday, Dec 21: Harrah's New Orleans, "Miracle on Fulton Street", 7:00–9:30 PM.
Saturday, December 15: Our regular, annual holiday Christmas performance with our usual foolishment at Gattuso's Neighborhood Bar, Restaurant, Catering, famous for New Orleans food, 435 Huey P Long Avenue, Gretna, LA, corner of 5th Street, Historic Old Town Gretna. Wear your best yats Christmas clothes. We perform 7:00 PM till 10:00 PM. All yalls are invited.
Wednesday, Dec 12: Annual Holiday Performance at the "Harrison Marketplace/Holidays on Harrison". (Right across the parking lot of Lakeview Grocery). Thank you, Allison and all our merchants and vendors. We go on at 5 PM till 8:30 PM. We'll have our merchandise to sell and sign.
Wednesday, November 28: Speckled T's, 158 S. Military Road, Slidell, LA 70461. Famous seafood, steaks and entertainment. We perform from 7:00 PM till 10:00pm, Speckled T's After Dark.
Thursday, November 15: New Orleans City Park, Pavilion of Two Sisters Twilight Thursdays. Doors open at 5:00 PM. We start at 6:00 PM- 8:00 PM. Don't wait. Tickets go fast. We have a surprise for you guys. We are going to do a really good oldie by Mickey and Sylvia.
Friday afternoon, April 13:"New Orleans French Quarter Festival". Here we go one more time. This year we'll perform on the "Esplanade In The Shade" Stage', 12:30-1:30 PM. That's located on the grounds of "The Old Louisiana Mint" (400 Esplanade Ave. - 70116). Corner of Esplanade & Decatur. Parking's not too bad in that area. Lots of pay-parking-lots around the Elysian Fields Ave. corner. We'll perform all our hits, and foolishment, and we'll have our CD's and autograph-pencils ready. We'll even let Kathy have a Magic Marker (She's going thru safety-training-class, now.) Our Many-Many Thanks Once Again to Johnny's Po Boys, 511 St. Louis St., Since 1950.
Saturday, Jan.27: "Lakeview Harbor-Bon Voyage Party". Yes! Sorry to break the news to all'yalls. Lakeview Harbor is closing. After 25 years of faithful service at 911 Harrison Ave. Thank you to all our customers from all over Lakeview, and really, from all over the world. Thank you all for 25 years of your patronage and friendship through hurricanes, floods, heat-waves, freezing cold, Saints games, street construction, power-outages, pot-holes, and the rare Harrison Ave. traffic jam. Our farewell party, entitled "Bon Voyage Lakeview Harbor" is Saturday, January 27. Benny Grunch & the Bunch will perform from 8-11 PM. Benny'n nem will play quietly so everyone can reminisce (But of course, will get nuts soon as ya'll get nuts!) Everyone is invited...(Even you old-timers from the Velvet Swing). No cover - Just come on in!).
Saturday, Jan.20: Did ya'lls go to "SLC" in Hammond? Where you there in 1964 and/or 1965? Did you come see Benny Grunch & The Bunch on Wednesday and Friday nights? Well Benny wants to here from you very soon. Very soon. Thanks, Benny Grunch. 504-231-8916 [email protected].